Diabetic Lifestyle

Lifestyle has got to be THE biggest contributing factor to the successful, or unsuccessful, management of diabetes. Let’s get it right!

Lifestyle has got to be THE biggest contributing factor to the successful, or unsuccessful, management of type one diabetes. Get your lifestyle right and your diabetic journey is going to be far easier. Your insulin requirements will be simpler to understand, your blood glucose levels will be less wild and the damage done to your body will be minimised. Get it wrong and you’ll be pumping insulin into scarred injection sites, your blood glucose readings will be up and down like a rollercoaster, you’ll feel terrible and you’ll be more likely of shortening your lifespan while being on the receiving end of serious and life changing consequences such as kidney failure, blindness or amputation. All really, really nasty things.

I’m not suggesting I get it right all the time but my HBA1C is right where it should be at the moment and, for the most part, I feel good. So, this section is all about the different ways in which diabetes influences your lifestyle, how your lifestyle can influence it and, ultimately, how you can do your best to live your best diabetic life.

perks of type one diabetes in content preview

Featured Article: The Best Type One Diabetes Perks

Surely the only hand your dealt when you’re dealt the diabetes hand is a shit one right? Well, not necessarily, there may be a few perks.

Diabetes And Drinking

How To Know If You Have Type 1 Diabetes

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What To Eat To Correct A Hypo

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Things We Wish People Understood About Being Diabetic

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How Does It Feel To Be Diabetic