Welcome to On Diabetes, a blog created by a T1D LADA male based in the UK to share insight about living with diabetes and offer practical help and support to anyone affected by it.
Featured Recipe: Low Sugar Peanut Butter, Cashew and Walnut Cookies
Treat yourself to these protein packed, low sugar cookies.
Featured Blog: The Importance Of Insulin Sensitivty & Staying Active
Insulin sensitivity is a really important indicator of a diabetics health, and one that can be positivily impacted with relatively small changes.
Featured Article: 28 of the Funniest Diabetes Memes
I’ve decided in my eternal wisdom that I should collect some of the most funny diabetes memes I have found into one handy location for you.
Diabetes & Me
A little bit about how I became T1D, what that’s meant for me and why I’ve decided to start On Diabetes! It’s been a wild ride so far and it might get a bit bumpier.
Diabetic Lifestyle
Lifestyle has got to be THE biggest contributing factor to the successful, or unsuccessful, management of diabetes. Let’s get it right!
Diabetic Recipes
Eating doesn’t have to be boring just because you’re diabetic. I love discovering and making delicious low carb recipes, you can find my favourites here.